Homeless Dog Spent 6 Years On The Streets Until One Tourist Finally Saw Her

Depressed dog spent her entire life trying to survive on the streets (Video)

When we go on vacation, we usually aren’t thinking about helping those in need! It takes a special kind of person to go on a trip to recharge and end up helping a stray dog on the street. Stray dogs are all too common wherever we go. Whether they are slinking around in back alleys or openly begging on the streets, they are pitiful to see. Despite their circumstances, traveling tourists aren’t really looking to help all that much. For one woman, however, sitting by and watching wasn’t enough.

Thankfully, the woman knew exactly what to do. Getting on the phone, she called Howl of a Dog and told them about the stray. While she waited for rescuers to show up, she decided she would go ask around for any information that people had on the dog. From what everyone could remember, the dog had been there for years! Year after year, the little dog would beg and eat scraps, just barely getting by. After spending so much time on the streets, the dog surely was in poor condition. When the rescuers found her, she wasn’t doing well. The shakey, stray dog was named Helen! After a long drive with her new friends, the vet ran some tests and soon discovered something incredible and heartbreaking. Helen had been homeless for over 6 years.

Thankfully, the woman knew exactly what to do

Tests were carried out on Helen and she was diagnosed with a tick-born disease called Anaplasmosis which can cause joint pain, fever, lethargy, and anorexia in animals. Now that she was healthy, the fun part began, finding her a home! She was given the treatment she needed and a warm bath and fell asleep on a soft blanket while being petted by one of the Howl of a Dog staff; for the first time in her life she was given the love she deserved. Helen was put up for adoption after overcoming all her health issues. Soon, a lucky family came into the shelter and saw something in the little dog’s eyes. Finally, Helen was adopted by a forever home and is currently living her best life! From a stray on the streets to a loving family, all because someone decided to call, even though it was a nuisance. Watch the video, see her beautiful transformation.

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