Horse Is Saddled With Too Much Weight Carrying Tourists – He Hilariously Take Revenge

Horse hilariously take revenge (Video)

During a tour of a nature reserve in the United States, a rookie couple spent the embarrassment of their lives riding a horse like all experts, but everything got wrong. The video showed the moment in which a couple suffered an accident after riding a horse. At first, the couple were very enthusiastic about the horseback ride, without imagining that their ride without any experience would end this way!

First-time horseback riders Tyler and Ariel were heading across some water in Westlake, Louisiana, when their horse decided it was time for them to take a dip. The animal was struggling, made a sudden movement and launched them off its back. They ended up into the mud. The nervousness of the beast caused that it slips and in its tried to accommodate itself, threw to the pair doing them to spend a shameful moment. A romantic evening for a couple on a horse became a hilarious experience as they fell spectacularly into the water, after the mammal avoided falling into the deep lake. 

Obviously they are too big for that horse

Unfortunately, the woman took the worst of it after falling from the saddle of the horse on the muddy river, since it was impossible to get up without the help of her husband, who rushed to her call for help. Luckily, it appears the sopping wet duo laughed it off and were not injured. In addition, you hear the friend recording mocking and laughing at the unexpected outcome. Watch the video, viewers of the video on social networks did not hesitate to criticize the couple for their obvious overweight issue and understood the tragic reaction of the horse.

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