Horse Is Surprised By Its Own Fart That He Jumps From The Scare – Hilarious Reaction

Horse is frightened by its own powerful fart (Video)

There are many things for us humans that are completely natural. Sleeping, breathing, eating, drinking — and farting. That last one everyone can relate to. Most of us have experienced that feeling when a fart is building up, and you have to relieve yourself, let it go, like frozen. It happens on the least suitable occasions as well, the easiest way to deal with that is to find an empty space or a bathroom to get rid of it. However, it’s not just us people who need to pass gas regularly — it also happens in the animal kingdom.

The horse in this video is not expecting it at all and therefore is frightened by its own fart. A real sweetie. He is in the middle of a training session with his rider on top. As he finishes the first lap and starts with the next one, suddenly it happens — the fart gets out! It all happens so fast but the horse is so surprised that he jumps from the scare. Even the woman behind the camera gets a slight shock — and can’t hold back the laugh afterward.

The horse jumps from the scare

According to the veterinarian Doctor Ramey, people wonder if horses who fart like that experience pain or stress. However, it is absolutely normal, according to him. Just like for us humans, it‘s a natural, often relieving, body reaction that happens after eating fiber-rich foods. Watch this funny video, I laughed so much, doesn’t matter how many times I play it, it’s still funny!

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