Kayaker Finds An Abandoned Dog On A Tiny Deserted Island – Heartwarming Rescue

Heartwarming Rescue (Video)

The dog in this video was waiting for his human savior for months, alone, stranded on a tiny deserted island in the middle of the ocean, luckily a man came just in time to save his life. Fernando Monzón likes to explore the remote islands off the coast of Paraguay in his kayak. One day, the man was enjoying his weekly expedition 2½ miles (4 KM) off the coast, when he heard a chilling and desperate whimper coming from a nearby tiny island. When Fernando got closer to the island, he saw a dog that was so thin he was almost indistinct. The dog was very friendly. He called out for people but no one was around. Fernando had no idea how the dog ended up on the deserted island, but he knew he had to save the pup. It was clear that the dog wouldn’t be able to survive much longer.

Fernando, who was shocked by the thought of someone abandoning the dog on the island, knew he was his only chance of survival. “My heart exploded out of my chest,” Fernando said. “He was just waiting for a human to show up.” From the second Fernando set foot on the island, the lonely dog already seemed much happier and wagged his tail continually. Fernando, on the other hand, soon learned that getting the pooch off the island wasn’t going to be an easy task. Fernando faced a challenge because after spending months stranded on a tiny island, the dog developed a phobia of water and refused to go anywhere near the kayak. The dog didn’t want the man to leave him alone on the island. He attempted to board the kayak a few times, but every time he placed one paw on the boat he got scared and backed off. The man knew that the only way to save the pooch was to force him onto the kayak. He grabbed the dog and pushed his boat away from land as quickly he could, fearing that the pooch will try to swim back.

Five days after the heroic rescue mission

Once in open waters, the dog seemed much more relaxed and trusted the man to get him to safety. Fernando paddled his kayak for over 2½ miles (4 KM) back to shore, where animal rescue personnel awaited him. The rescuers rushed the dog to the vet and found that he was dangerously malnourished and suffering from advanced mange. More than anything else though, the animal was starving for warmth, love, and affection, which he received plenty of from the staff at the shelter. Five days after the heroic rescue mission, Fernando came to visit the dog, who’s now named Jack by the staff at the shelter. Watch the video, Jack was so pleased to see his savior that he showered him with endless kisses and tail wags.

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