Kidnapped And Tortured by Teenagers, This Dog Inspired so Many People Around The World

He’s one inspiring pooch (Video)

Meet Chunky the pooch who was kidnapped by four teenagers and tortured in the most cruel way possible. “This was the most disturbing case I have ever dealt with – by an absolute mile,” said Caroline Doe, an RSPCA inspector. These youths admitted feeding Chunky drugs, kicking and punching him, and wringing and breaking his neck before dumping him. They also said they set fire to his face and eyes after lighting a deodorant aerosol can. On top of that, Chunky got his legs broken. “The whole thing sends shivers down my spine,” says Doe.

The group thought he was dead, and he was not discovered until the following evening by a passer-by. The teenagers, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to ill-treating the animal in a way which they knew would cause him to suffer unnecessarily. They were all disqualified from keeping all animals for five years, given a referral order for 12 months and ordered to pay costs. One of the youths was made to pay £1,000 and the other two £500.

It is a miracle he survived

He was terrified and depressed when they first saw him. Chunky the chihuahua mix has inspired so many people around the world to take a stand against animal cruelty. Although the ordeal has left the doggie more timid and nervous than before, the good news is that the doggie is going strong and has reunited with his owners. Watch the video, having recovered from it all, Chunky is one inspiring pooch!

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