Koala Has Made its way Into Family’s Home And Climbed Their Christmas Tree

The volunteers carefully approaching the creature (Video)

It seems that everyone is trying to get into the Christmas spirit this year — even koalas. There are still few days until Christmas, but one koala couldn’t wait — finding a way into a woman’s home in South Australia and making itself comfortable in her Christmas tree. The Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue Charity shared a video of the animal in its festive new perch this evening. “Well that’s something you don’t see every day,” wrote Amanda McCormick

McCormick had found the koala nestled among her frosted baubles and snowflake decorations, rescue service were called in to remove the unexpected guest, describing the furry friend as the ‘best Christmas angel ever’. She posted the video on social media of the curious creature nestled among the tree’s ornaments and looking quite content. At first, the group explained, the operator “thought it was a prank call”.”But no, a koala desperate to get in the Christmas spirit had wandered into Amanda’s house and decided it wanted to be the fairy on the Christmas tree.” Rescuers confirmed the koala was a female —who appeared to be quite at home amidst the green (albeit artificial) foliage. “Koalas are very curious creatures and if the opportunity presents itself, they will investigate,” said one of the rescuers.

Rescue team called to remove the koala

“We have rescued koalas in chicken coops, bathrooms, open inspections, children’s prams, bicycles, brooms, toy cars … but a Christmas tree is a first for us.” Amanda explained in the comments of the video that the family had left the back door open so their dog could get in and out in the morning. “Little lady must have just wandered in and made herself at home!” McCormick wrote. Watch the video showing the volunteers carefully approaching the creature and even giving the animal a few pats. The volunteers placed a towel over the koala and began to move it, which prompted it to appear to growl.

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