Little Boy Cries While Holding Puppy – The Reason Will Melt Your Heart!

Little boy bursts into tears (Video)

There are some gifts that bring out profound emotions in anyone regardless of age. Dogs are one such present that seem to have a way of turning just about anyone into mush. A mother captured a delightful clip of the moment a little boy becomes overwhelmed and cries when holding a Chihuahua puppy.

It’s practically impossible to resist this little boy’s tears when he meets a little Chihuahua. The scene takes place in Los Angeles at the Insight Animal Rescue shelter which puts dogs up for adoption. When the puppy was placed into his arms, he became utterly overwhelmed with happiness and love for the small, adorable pup. He immediately broke down into tears! When his mum hands over their soon-to-be dog, the little boy just can’t contain his emotions. And the reason for his tears? The little pup is just “too cute”, explains Mia Anelli, the shelter’s director.

A very cute moment!

When his mum asks him “What’s wrong?”, you can just about hear him murmur through his tears that “She’s just beautiful”My heart melted at this moment. I’m sure these two new friends will be so happy together. As for the Chihuahua…well, she doesn’t really get her future human’s reaction, comforting him with just a few licks. The boy is crying so much that his mother tries to comfort him, although does still continue to film him on her phone. “Maybe mum will get you a puppy okay?” she says.

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