Little Boy Is The Victim Of A Cuteness “Attack” – Buried In Adorable Puppy Pile

Puppies launch cuteness attack on toddler (Video)

If you have kids, you might want to place the Golden Retriever at the top of your list. Not only are these dogs gorgeous but also intelligent, loyal, protective, and excellent with children. I don’t know if there’s anything cuter in this world than a bunch of puppies. But when you add children to the mix, the innocence and playfulness is off the charts! In the video, a little boy is the victim of a cuteness “attack” in the form of a group of Golden Retriever puppies and all of their fluffy adorableness! We’re guessing this boy to be around three or four years old. As he tromps through the grass, he has an entire littler of the cutest puppies ever bouncing after him.

On average, a Golden Retriever has eight pups. So, this mama’s litter is within the normal range. Even then, that’s a lot to take care of, both for the mommy dog and her owners. But the effort is well worth it. In the video, you see the entire littler running as hard as they can trying to keep up with their human friend, although a couple of them fall behind. At one point, most of the puppies catch up to the little boy. They get so close to him you worry for a second, he might go tumbling down. That’s when he stops and all the pups surround him.

The puppies are smothering him

While stopped, all the puppies get in as close to the boy as they can. He reaches down to pet them. And then it happens. As he tries to walk, one of the balls of fur gets underfoot and down he goes. The more he tries to stand up the closer they get. During this time, he’s laughing. After viewing this video, one individual said, “He’s like drowning in puppies…where can I have this experience?” We’d all like to know that. Watch the video, this is just too cute for words!

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