Little Cat Was Thrown In The Middle Of A Highway. Look At What This Man Is Going To Do!

Look at what this man is going to do! (Video)

The surveillance camera system captured a heartless individual who dropped, of the window of an SUV, a extremely young cat. Dropped from a moving car and landed onto the right lane of a busy highway in Russia. For more than three minutes, multiple cars drive by, swerving out of the way to avoid the kitten. Moments later, two trucks pass directly over the feline as it lays between the wheels in the middle of the road.

The video of the tiny animal flopping in the middle of a busy lane of traffic is enough to give anyone a heart attack. It’s pretty nerve-wracking to see how many vehicles passed so close to the kitten, or even drove over it. Luckily none of them actually squashed the poor thing before a heroic driver rescued him from certain death and the harrowing video has gone viral. Even he’s not sure at first whether the kitten is alive. It was obviously terrified stiff.

A good Samaritan!

As other drivers continue to speed by, the Good Samaritan scoops up the kitten and carries it into his car. According to the Russian news agencythe heroic driver identified as Denis Degtyarev, had to loop back around and thru traffic to pick up the kitten. He found the kitten in surprisingly good health, if somewhat bewildered. “I checked him quickly as I picked him up. He looked deeply shocked but all right in that nothing was broken or badly bruised. There was no blood,” Degtyarev explained. “I drove it to the sport school which my kids attend, and friends of ours quickly found him a new family. He is doing well now.” A frightening but also miraculous moment captured by the surveillance camera!

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