Lonely Old Dog Has His Dying Wish Come True: TO BE LOVED

His last wish: TO BE LOVED

It must be really lonely to be living alone in the streets, physically abused, with no one there to love you and take care of you. Meet Old Boy, the one who never know what it’s like to have somebody to love him and take care of him. He was born in the streets. Old Boy is a dying old dog, and he’s been howling in pain for days. Two kindhearted souls found him. He was in the worst condition…

Old Boy was a stray dog who a member of the public spotted to be in distress and asked Save Our Street Dogs to help. What started out to be a routine rescue turned out to be a lesson in life and death which no one will ever forget. All sentient beings, humans and dogs alike, should be allowed to die in dignity. This video gives me hope and faith in humanity, if only everyone could be as kind as these people. Run free, Old Boy.


Source: happytoutou.com


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