Lost And Frightened Kitten Saved From Certain Death By A Woman At Busy Traffic Junction!

Saved from certain death! (Video)

Saving any animal’s life makes you a hero, but abandoning your motorbike at a busy intersection in order to snatch a stranded kitten from the jaws of near-certain death — well, that pretty much makes you the coolest person ever. The woman in the video — which was shot using a helmet cam — is waiting for the lights to change at a hectic junction when she spots a tiny ginger kitten in the midst of all the traffic.

The tiny lost kitten can be seen in this footage trying to avoid getting run over as cars race past it at a busy road junction. The little ginger tom seems to drop from under a maroon-coloured car just a few seconds in and is then stuck with nowhere to go. Acting quickly, the woman jumps off her bike and dodges traffic before picking up the mewling feline and handing him to a woman on the side of the road, before running back to get her abandoned bike.

My stomach turned inside out!

The miniature kitty even comes face to face with a large truck and trailer which misses it by millimetres. Writing about the event, the biker said: “Thank you to the mystery lady that helped and all the people that paid attention and stopped, it was very appreciated. Kitten turned out to be a he, and is resting safely now.” Her actions have been praised across social media. I can’t figure out how he got there and I’m getting seriously angry. Watch the video, it looks like maybe he was hiding in the fender of the red car and he jumped out in the intersection or that red car threw it out the driver window.

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