Loyal Dog Senses Human Mom Is Pregnant – He Won’t Let Anyone Get Near Her Belly

Dog doesn’t let anyone get near her belly (Video)

The bond between dogs and humans is truly extraordinary. Most humans will do just about anything for a dog, including wading through threatening water to save their lives. In return, many dogs will go to the ends of the earth to protect their humans. Humans and other animals have the same urge to protect babies, so it only makes sense that dogs who have such strong connections with humans would be compelled to protect human babies just as they would protect their own.

That’s what the adorable bull terrier in this video is doing. As you can see, this (human) mama is seriously pregnant. Luckily, she has a bodyguard who takes her job pretty seriously. This bull terrier lives in Brazil. Her owner said, “When my dog, Zayra, realized that my wife was pregnant, she changed her conduct, and she wouldn’t let anyone get close — even me.” Since she was a puppy, she has always treated mom and dad the same… until now. There can be no other explanation for her sudden change in behavior. 

Dog sensed something different

When she sensed something different about mom her behavior took a complete turn, but the reason is absolutely priceless. Hopefully, Zayra and the new baby get along quite well whenever he or she arrives! Dogs have a way of knowing exactly whats going on with their humans. We’ve seen them sense when someone is sick and even call an ambulance when their owner needed it most… but the level of intuition in this video is really something special. Watch the video, dog’s reaction is really touching!

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