Loyal Dog Was Abandoned by His Owner – 10 Years Later, He’s Still Waiting For His Return!

Confused, he’s waiting for his return at the same spot (Video)

The qualities of loyalty, devotion, and unconditional love are something that you can expect from dogs. Whether you’re in poverty or prosperity, in good health or sickness, they stand by you. Imagine the plight of a dog who has been shunned by its owners and waits patiently every single day for them to return. A dog named Bokshil found herself in a similar situation after she was abandoned by her owner. Every morning, Bokshil always waits at the entrance of the apartment near the guardhouse as she observes the residents pass by. She never fails to be at the entrance, hoping that one day her wish will come true.

She has been on the same routine for almost a decade now in unwavering hope that one day her owner will come back to pick her up. A kind lady who feeds the dog daily said in an interview: “I heard the owner left it behind while moving. [The owner] probably lacked the resources to raise a dog.”According to residents, Bokshil has been a regular visitor at the apartment for 10 years now. Luckily, the kindhearted residents around the neighborhood always offer her food and water which they place inside a bowl at the entrance of the apartment. Even they try to move her to a safer place, Bokshil reluctant to move and intend to stay at the entrance. 

It certainly breaks the hearts of many people

When night falls, the dog quickly walks to the dog house that the residents provide for her. There, she takes a rest and spends the night while waiting for the next day and repeat the same routine. . Some of the neighbors who were deeply concerned about her welfare even took her to a veterinarian. She was diagnosed with senile cataract, a condition that prevents her from recognizing people from a distance. It certainly breaks the hearts of many people that Bokshil continues to wait for her owner despite her eyesight getting worse. People across social media have also expressed their concern for the abandoned pooch. Watch the video, though it has been such a long time, determined Bokshil hasn’t given up on her owner.

This incident clearly highlights that her faith is unwavering despite all the ordeals she faces.

The fact that such a wonderful creature was abandoned is disconcerting, to say the least. We hope Bokshil gets an opportunity to be reunited with her owner.

Source: www.epochtimes.fr

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