Mama Cat Introduces German Shepherd To Her Kittens – The Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless

The dog’s reaction is priceless (Video)

It’s a tale as old as time: cats and dogs don’t always get along. Yet, when introduced appropriately, beautiful friendships can arise between the two species. The owner of this beautiful German Shepherd and adorable moggy obviously did things right when it came to raising her pets. Though most people would be nervous having such a large dog close to a mother cat and her very young kittens, it’s clear to see that this bunch are very trustful of each other. When the owners saw the sweet moment unfolding before their eyes, they couldn’t help but capture it all on film.

In this adorable video, Rogue the German Shepherd is meeting her cat sister’s kittens for the very first time. At first, she looks bewildered by what she sees. “What in the world are these tiny things moving around on the floor? And what are those high-pitched sounds they are making?” Rogue lies down next to the kittens and starts to investigate by sniffing one of them up close. But when the tiny feline takes the smallest step forward, Rogue almost bounds away in fear! They were ready to console the kittens in case they got afraid of the dog, however, what they didn’t take into account was the dog’s reaction to the newest additions to his family. So much for a bold and brave Shepherd! Amazingly, mother cat doesn’t worry about her baby. Instead, she worries about Rogue, who is obviously in distress!

German Shepherd is in distress!

So she stands and makes her way to the huge dog, as if to comfort her and say: ‘don’t worry, they won’t hurt you’. The cat and dog are old pals, however, the kittens have never see the pup before. But the cat took great care in showing her babies that the dog is not a threat, and that they have nothing to be frightened of when they are around him. The delightful video has understandably gained over 3 million views, with animal lovers around the globe weighing in on the cute interaction. Watch the video and see the mama cat introduce her kittens to her German Shepherd friend. 

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