Mama Dog Gives Birth To 9 Puppies In The Freezing Cold. Things Get Complicated!

Things get complicated! (Video)

Most countries has been experiencing a brutal cold snap. Tragically, the bad weather and an even worse decision by one pet owner recently cost the lives of eight puppies. A mother dog and her puppy are back from the brink of death, but their tragic tale was wholly avoidable. The owners of the black lab mix in the video did not realize the dog was pregnant. Although they fed the dog daily, it lived outside and the canine gave birth during a cold snap of below-freezing temperatures. By the time the owners called the Knox County Humane Society in Galesburg, Illinois, eight puppies from the new litter had frozen to death.

Only one little pup and its mom, who were both in very bad shape due to the elements, were still alive and able to be rescued. “Her body temperature was very low. It was below 95, and that’s when you start worrying about hypothermia in a dog. Her skin was cold to the touch, her ears were cold to the touch,” explains Curt Kramer, a rescuer from Knox County Humane Society. The shelter shared a photo of the puppy and a message about the mother dog. “This sweet little baby is the only survivor of 8 pups that froze to death shortly after coming into this world. We did rescue the mother too but, unfortunately she lost all of her other babies! This is what your tax deductible donations help us do! Save lives!”

She is a warrior!

“Momma and her baby are currently at our shelter receiving very good care, and both are very warm and safe! We will not be adopting them out until her baby is much stronger and at legal age to be adopted. Please remember to donate to your local shelter, as your donations will be helping them to save even more pet lives! It means the world to us… it means even more to them!” Remember to please bring your pets inside this winter. If it’s too cold outside for you, it’s too cold outside for them!” There is no greater warrior than a mother protecting her baby. Watch the video and meet this incredible mother and her prince. 

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