Pregnant dog has giant belly! After 9th pup arrives, they realize she has a bigger secret

They were absolutely shocked! (Video)

Natasha and Alicia are the proud owners of a 3-year-old Irish setter named Romy. When they found out their dog was pregnant with her first litter, they were very excited. Natasha, a qualified veterinarian from the West Midlands, was more than prepared when Romy got pregnant for the very first time. Natasha performed an ultrasound on Romy around four weeks into the pregnancy. She and Alicia were certain they saw eight or nine puppies inside the womb. It made sense, since the average litter size for the Irish setter is nine.

They loves the breed so much that they decided it would be right for Romy to have puppies. She is good-natured, Natasha says, and they wanted other families to be able to experience the joy of having an Irish setter. They got themselves and Romy ready for the arrival of the little pups, taking time off work to be there to support their dog through labor. But no one were prepared for what happened when she started giving birth.

When is she going to stop?

Romy was an inexperienced mother, so she was a bit uncertain when the first puppy came out. Luckily, Natasha and Alicia were by her side for the labor, which took an exhausting 10 hours. Out popped nine healthy, hungry, and adorable puppies. It was exactly what Romy’s owners expected. But they were absolutely shocked when a tenth puppy arrived. And then, an eleventh. Then, a twelfth. It didn’t end there. “We kept thinking ‘Crikey, when is she going to stop?’” Natasha said. They knew that Romy would have a big litter, but they never expected that! Watch the video to find out what happened once Romy went into labor. 

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