Man Adopted 45 Dogs – Priceless Reaction When They Are Released In An Empty Field

Priceless reaction when released (Video)

The life of a shelter dog is a very sad thing. They spend their time in a small enclosure just waiting for someone to take them to their forever home. Unfortunately, shelter dogs are often overlooked because of their age or traumatizing past. Sadly, some spend their entire lives in the shelter and never get to experience what it’s like to have a forever home, experiencing true freedom and happiness.

But most shelter staff do the best they can to make sure these dogs are well taken care of in the meantime, but it’s no substitute for an actual forever home. Rescue workers are another type of people who devote all of their time to helping animals and giving them love and care. That’s why this video is so incredibly uplifting. This man, named Mark Starmer, wound up adopting 45 dogs (and a grey wolf). Yes, you read that right…45 dogs!!

He built a four-acre enclosure for them to run

He welcomed them all into his home, in British Columbia (Canada), with loving arms and takes awesome care of them. Starmer provides the canines with everything they need for a healthy and joyful life. And if adopting them wasn’t enough, he has also built a four-acre enclosure for them to run around freely and play in. The video shows the dogs being let loose in the enclosure for the first time. Once the gate is opened, all 45 dogs come rushing into the enclosure with big smiles on their faces and non-stop tail wags! They absolutely love it! They couldn’t be more happy. Starmer says that even though it’s a lot of work, caring for the dogs is a labour of love. It’s so nice to know that there are such kind-hearted people out there such as this man. Watch the video, you will never get tired of watching this moment!

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