Man Attempts To Kick Stray Dog At Beach And Gets Dose Of Instant KARMA!

Man attempts to kick the dog! (Video)

Some people are just jerks. How do people end up being so cruel and worthless? Sometimes, you wish you could enact some form of revenge on the mean people. But, that would mean stooping to their level. Fortunately the phrase “what goes around, comes around” exists for a reason. Karma has a way of taking care of some mean people.

Take the man in this video, he runs down the beach and tries to kick a dog. There’s no back story or context for this video. The man simply sees a stray dog on the beach and decides to do something awful. He runs as fast as he can at the poor dog and tries to kick it as hard as he can. But he would very quickly come to regret his decision. Attempting to kick the defenseless creature, who was obviously starving, he is served instant justice.

He gets instant taste of Karma!

Watch the video to get the full gist of how much trouble this guy got himself into! Luckily, the dogs don’t appear to be vicious and were happy enough with the guy plunging himself in the water. The cruel man’s friends laugh as he tries to escape by jumping into the ocean. Jokes on him, dogs can swim! All I can say is it serves him right! Watch the video, I hope it will teach everyone a lesson.

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