Man Brings Homeless Kitten Home – Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless

Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless (Video)

People sometimes make assumptions about pets (and animals in general) that aren’t exactly true. For years, you’ve surely heard that dog and cat just do not get along. Are there instances where this is true? Absolutely. But, more often than not, dogs and cats can be best of friends. It’s really about the particular pet’s personality and their environment that makes or breaks this combination. The old myth that says Pit Bulls are vicious and ferocious dogs needs to be put to rest. Sadly, these dogs are frequently used in the dog fighting industry and as a result of a few cruel humans, the entire breed has been assigned a false stereotype.

Take, for instance, this video by Francisco Orozco. His one-year-old pit bull mix is clearly his pride and joy. She gets to lay on the bed and he obviously loves her to pieces. Orozco happened to find an abandoned newborn kitten and decided to bring home the tiny kitty to try to raise her on his own. So, what does Francisco do when faced with having to bring a newborn kitten into the same home as his one-year-old puppy? In the video, you’ll see as Francisco carries the kitten in his hands and slowly shows her to Molly. At first, the pooch is slightly confused, wondering what that tiny, moving object in her human’s hands is.

Absolutely adorable

But, within a matter of seconds, Molly is excited, wagging her tail, and trying to play with the little kitty. Before long, we even get to see Molly cuddling with the kitten, licking it, and basically becoming its surrogate mother. How absolutely adorable! Not only is this video incredibly heartwarming, but it also shows the true heart of animals to love and care for each other, regardless of the boundaries that we humans often think exists between them. Watch the video, filled with love and tenderness, is the proof that dogs and cats can cohabit.

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