He Captures The Puppy To Rescue Him But Mother Comes Running to Protect Him

His mother comes running to protect him! (Video)

When it comes to rescuing dogs, Hope for Paws has been at the top at getting stray dogs off the streets. Hope For Paws is a non-profit based out of Los Angeles that rescues dogs. But that’s not all they do! They take video of the entire process, get the pups the medical attention they need, and match them up with a forever home. It’s an amazing organization. They seem to have an extraordinary amount of patience in getting these animals to trust them so that they can take them to a better life. When they received a call about a mama dog and her puppy living close to a highway, it was important that they get their quickly before something bad happened.

The puppy was the easiest to catch using a net. As they arrived on the scene, the mom was initially afraid and kept her distance. But when they moved in to rescue her pup, her maternal instincts took over. There is nothing stronger than a mother’s love. When mama saw her puppy in trouble and heard his cries she jumped into action. She rushed over to investigate. But she wasn’t quite yet ready to go with their rescuers. Luckily some local men who had been feeding the mama dog showed up.

Protect her baby

She trusted them and came to them. They were able to help get a leash around her neck. Once mama saw that her puppy was alright, they all got in the car and went to see the vet for a checkup. Now that they’re sparkly and clean, the mama, nicknamed Oreo and her puppy, now called Cookie Monster, are looking for homes in the Los Angeles area. Thanks to Hope for Paws! Share their heartwarming rescue with others, perhaps we can find someone to adopt them both so they’ll always be together! Watch the amazing video of their rescue… It’s heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. I’m feeling so many things at once! 

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