Desperate Man Fights With His Bare Hands To Save His Little Dog From a Pitbull!

He saved his little dog from a pitbull! (Video)

There are common factors in most dog attacks, but the media focuses on just one: breed. The vast majority of attacks involve dogs that haven’t been chipped, registered, or socialised. Often these dogs have spent their unfortunate lives tied or chained up and left outside. Most are products of backyard breeders. Many have been passed from home to home. Many have suffered neglect or abuse. Researchers have suggested: Dangerous dogs which are outlawed may be no more unsafe than other breeds – they simply attract bad owners. 

An example of a bad dog owner can be seen in this video! A dog owner has been filmed attempting to fight a large, angry pitbull in order to protect his own much smaller dog. In footage shot in Mexico City, Matthew Roberts was outside his house with his small white Maltese terrier, Scott, when a much larger, grey-coloured pitbull suddenly attacked. The pitbull’s owner – who had another dog on a lead – rushed to the scene but couldn’t control the pitbull, who was not on a lead. Matthew then scuffled with the pitbull, eventually managing to prise it off Scott. He then went into a building and emerged with a bat, with which he threatened the pitbull’s owner.

The owner is angry!

Fortunately an unidentified woman appeared and managed to successfully contain the situation. The scene ended without any further violence. Matthew writes under the video that he is demanding justice for his dog, but he doesn’t trust the corrupt authorities. According to Mexican law, pitbulls are required to be muzzled in public. He called on animal rights advocates to help him get justice because he believes that the owner of the pit bull is not a responsible person and is not trained to have an animal with such power. Watch the video and tell us what do you think about this incident. Would you also react like Matthew if your dog was attacked, or was his reaction too exaggerated? Let us know in the comments on Facebook!

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