Man Gets Instant Karma For Trying To Kick a Dog – He Ends Up Hurting Himself

Man attempts to kick a dog (Video)

They say that what goes around comes around. In other words, whatever energy or attitude you’re projecting out to the world is the same that you are going to get back in return. While not everyone believes in karma, when you see it in action, it’s hard to deny. In a world of animal abuse, heartless people often find themselves getting hurt and even killed while trying to inflict pain and harm to an innocent animal. Here’s a perfect example of what I mean.

Anyone who tries to kick a dog probably deserves whatever comes next, especially if it involves missing the animal and hurting himself. John Lennon was completely right when he wrote in his song “Instant karma’s gonna get you…” In a world of animal abuse, heartless people often find themselves getting hurt and even killed while trying to inflict pain and harm to an innocent animal. In this CCTV footage of what appears to be an internet cafe, a man saw a harmless dog that is obviously just minding its own business. When all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, the man attempts to kick the dog with so much force. Everything was caught on the security camera. I almost cringe in pain for the poor animal as the man threw the kick.

He definitely got what he deserved

But karma is really a dish that’s best served warm. Instead of hitting his target, the man was caught off-balance due to the force of his kick. He totally landed face first on the hard ground! Yeah! Serves him right. It was awesome to see the dog walks away, happily wagging his tail, like nothing happened. We seems to find a great deal of satisfaction from watching someone get what was coming to them. But nothing is more pleasing than when it happens because of their own actions. Watch the video, he definitely got what he deserved!

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