Horse Is Fighting For His Life – Man Jumped Into The Water And Did The Unthinkable!

Watch what this man does next! (Video)

When you hear that the Colombian police showed up to an emergency scene, you’d probably assume that there was drugs, violence, or some kind of corrupt politician involved. But in this case, the emergency was centered around a horse who’d gotten himself into a pretty stressful situation. Thankfully, the Colombian police of Dagua were there to help him sort it out. After walking straight into a death trap (in the form of a subterranean sand grinder that moves rocks and water through a machine to create sand), the horse simply couldn’t get himself out. It was a near certain death for this beautiful animal, until someone called the police.

They arrived at the scene quickly, only to realize that rescuing the horse would be much harder than they thought. It seemed like there wasn’t much they could do. For people, it would be tough to escape. For a horse? Nearly impossible. The horse was heavy enough on it’s own, but there were other factors to consider. For starters, the water weighed the horse down even more. Then, there is the issue of the water constantly being pulled toward the sand grinder. The horse was understandably terrified. And the Colombian police had to come up with a plan.  They tried hauling him out at first. But the police quickly realized that this big guy would be far too heavy to get out with a few tugs. Then, one brave guy did something unbelievable.

A brave guy did the unthinkable!

He jumped in the water and headed toward the back of the horse, giving her a boost to climb out of the water. This could have ended badly for the man. In addition to getting sucked downstream, he could have also been kicked to death by the terrified animal. But thankfully, their efforts turned out to work. Slowly but surely, they were able to boost and lift the horse out of the muck to safety. Though he can’t speak, we’re pretty sure of what this horse must be thanking. Watch how they saved the horse’s life.

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