Man Pretends To Eat Cat’s Food – The Cat’s Reaction Is Priceless

The cat’s reaction is hilarious (Video)

Cats are very interesting creatures. You never know what to expect from them. Sometimes they can act very cold and detached towards you, while other times they want nothing but to cuddle and get close to your body. They are quite different to their doggie counterparts, but one thing that they have in common is their love for food. Both species don’t like sharing when it comes to delicious grub.

We all know too well how funny cats can be, sometimes they have that air of arrogance about them that just makes you love them even more, well this video is just a perfect example of that! Well this owner thought that he would see if his trusty cat was up for sharing his dinner… I mean they have been friends for years so sharing is caring right? But he finds out how greedy his feline companion is for cat food. The man pretends to eat the cat’s food straight from the bowl (you should not try this at home)… the reaction of his cat was unexpected but too funny at the same time! Just watch how he uses his paws. It’s too cute! 

The two continue to play a “tug of war”

It is a truth universally acknowledged that cats don’t like sharing. Especially food! Not with their owners, not with their siblings, or, God forbid, with dogs. If you want to steal food from a cat, the only thing you’re going to get is a huge scratch over your face, so don’t even try. Just accept them as they are, crazy and selfish, because they are also cute, intelligent, and funny! They may not let you be the boss, but they will be a very good boss to you. And you will be one happy subject! There is no doubt about that! Watch this hilarious video, the reaction of the cat is simply fantastic!  I can’t stop laughing! 

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