A man saves a 3 months old wounded pelican: Watch this emotional story!

An emotional story

When you live in Tanzania, you come into contact with wildlife almost everyday. Wildebeest, elephants, gazelles, hippos … the list is endless! Tanzania is known as one of the African countries the “big five” game animals call home and this thriving tourism industry contributes to the country’s economy. However, the country’s rich biodiversity is not limited to these popular game animals; the country’s plethora of national parks and protected areas is home to other animals too, including the great white pelican.

Jeffrey Condon, manager of a tourist center in the area of Lake Tanganyika, came across a pelican who was just a few months old, injured and separated from his flock following the passage of a violent storm that passed through the area. Being the manager of the Nomad Lodges, Jeffrey Condon is used to interacting with the local wildlife on a daily basis. Condon and his safari staff have stepped in to help. They took the pelican in and taught it how to fly and fish..

The recovery

Losing its family and having no experience with getting food on its own, Jeff took in his new friend, Bigbird, to help him on the road to recovery. Pelicans normally live and hunt in packs, so Condon is worried that the bird won’t gain the skills necessary to survive. Fortunately at the end of the video Condon confirms that the orphaned pelican has caught a fish on his own — a big step toward self-sufficiency. The bird treats the ranger like a friend, making for quite an unusual sight.

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