Man Takes A Chance On A Terrified Shelter Dog – He Changed His Life Forever

Dog took his first steps into his first-ever house (Video)

Howard Holloman loves dogs and wants to give a better life to pups that need help. One day, he visited a local shelter and saw a dog who was timid, hid in the corner, and seemed just to have given up on life. It caught Holloman’s attention. It was Noodles. It is safe to say that Noodles was terrified. She was abused before her rescue. She has no trust for humans. She certainly does not trust Holloman but he made up his mind and chose Noodles. He knows she needs him. Right then and there, he vowed to do everything to make Noodles’ life better.

Noodles reminds us that dogs do in fact feel a spectrum of emotions. From happiness to sadness, dogs relate to humans more than we even understand. When Noodles was living in a homeless shelter she was miserable. She sat there sad day in and day out. She would stare at the walls, wouldn’t make eye contact, and just seemed hopeless. He took a chance on Noodles, a chance that changed her life forever. Holloman has another dog, Weezie. He was also rescued from being abused. Weezie got over his fear with the help of Holloman and is now a very loving and loyal dog.

Recovery from being abused

He was introduced to Noodles when she reached her new forever home. Little by little, Noodles shed her loneliness and blossomed into a happy, energetic and loving dog. It took some time because she came from an abusive background, but a repeat display of love and affection built the trust she needed to be a happy pup. Watch the video, it shows just how important it is to show dogs love. Noodles made a complete emotional transformation. Thanks to the good faith of one man who believed in the power of love.

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