Man Used His Warm Coffee To Rescue Three Kittens Frozen To The Ground For Hours

Hero frees frozen kittens with coffee (Video)

Who would have thought that coffee could be used to save lives? Kendall Diwisch, a Canadian oil worker from Drayton Valley, Alberta, Canada, was doing a well checkup run when he found a trio of terrorized kittens — desperately trying to move out of the cold on one of the back roads. Diwisch stopped to investigate and was greeted by the sound of desperate meowing. He soon discovered that two of the three kittens had their tails frozen to the ground and they couldn’t move anywhere.

Without hesitation, he leaped back to the car to pick up the only ice-melting thing he had—warm coffee. After getting back to the kittens, he started pouring whatever remaining coffee he had on the tails. To the man’s surprise, the kittens instinctively started drinking it, but not enough to have any negative effects. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough coffee (or it wasn’t warm enough) for it to do the trick. So, Diwisch decided to give it a little pull. Despite the kittens meowing in discomfort, he managed to fairly easily set them free from their icy prison. No kittens were scalded or harmed during the rescue.

The hero took the three little critters home

Diwisch brought the 3 furry felines back to the car and drove them home, where they were warmed up and fed. The kittens were also dewormed as Diwisch was planning to give them up for adoption. The hero later posted on Social Media about this little adventure, which went viral. He suspected that the kittens were frozen for the whole night, so they were lucky he happened to pop by at the right place and at the right time before they froze to death. Watch the video showing how it all went down.

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