Mom Surprises Her Son At School With His Lost Dog – Heartwarming Reunion

Heartwarming reunion (Video)

A boy named Carter grew up with a pug sibling who died when he was still a little boy. Carter always dreamed of owning another pug someday. That day came when Carter’s mom, April, surprised him with Piper on his 12th birthday. April loved watching Carter instantly bond with the little black pug, who became “the love of his life.” But the family’s holiday season was nearly destroyed when the unthinkable happened — Piper went missing. April let Piper and her other dog outside to use the bathroom. But when she opened the door to let them back in, Piper was nowhere to be seen.

The holidays aren’t about what’s under the tree; it’s who you’re with that matters. And no one understands that better than Carter and his dog, Piper. Carter was absolutely devastated. The family searched everywhere, posted on social media, and reached out to neighbors and community groups. They prayed for Piper’s safe return, but as days turned to weeks, they feared that they would never see their pug again. He and his sister Natalie searched endlessly for their beloved pet, but nearly three weeks passed by and they were beginning to lose hope.

She surprises her son with a special reunion

“We were all sick,” April said. “The older kids wanted nothing to do with decorating the Christmas tree and it was a very somber Thanksgiving for them.” Then April received a phone call from the Genesee County Animal Shelter; someone had found Piper, and he was now in safe hands at the shelter. Carter was out of town when they learned about Piper, so they decided to keep it a secret and surprise him with a special reunion when he returned. The next time April picked Carter up from school, he had no clue who was waiting for him inside the car. Watch the video, when Carter saw Piper in the front seat of the truck, decked out in bows, he immediately broke down in tears.

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