News reporter Spots Stolen Dog And Confronts Suspected Dognapper On Live TV

Reporter catches dog thief red handed (Video)

Could you imagine getting your dog stolen? It would be a nightmare, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, Massachusetts man Greg Siesczkiewicz got his beloved pointer stolen out of his car a few days ago. He was devastated and for many hours he didn’t know if he would ever see his best friend again. Local police posted on Social Media about the dognapping accompanying the text with security camera photos, in hopes that someone would locate the man and stolen dog soon.

Indeed, a few hours later, both the dognapper and the dog itself were located by a reporter around the same spot from where the pointer had been stolen. Juliana Mazza of WHDH-TV was on the street reporting about this very story, when she spotted the man walking the dog in question around the area. Immediately, she remembered where she had seen the man before: he was most probably the one she had seen in the security cameras. And the dog looked exactly like the pointer named Titus that the local police were looking for.

Officers arrived at the scene and arrested the man

Mazza knew she had to act quickly if she wanted to help the dog’s owner get his pet back. So, she asked if she could pet the dog, actually aiming for his name tag. What followed was a mini questioning of the suspicious man on Mazza’s part. Confronted on camera, the suspect, later identified as 29-year-old Kyle Gariepy, put up a defense for why he had the dog, saying it was a misunderstanding. As it is obvious in the video, the man is perplexed and his answers don’t really make sense. Mazza knew something was wrong when the man told her he was supposed to walk a dog but he somehow got confused and took a different dog. Watch the video, she called the police and minutes later, officers arrived at the scene and arrested the man, who was accused of larceny and breaking into a motor vehicle.

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