Obese Dog Rescued by Family Who Helps Him Lose 60 Pounds – Heartwarming Rescue

Heartwarming Rescue (Video)

After losing one of their Labs, Heidi Fiore and her husband decided they were ready to welcome another one into their family. They saw a post on Social Media about a Lab who needed a home and was “a tad overweight,” and so the couple drove over an hour to meet him. When the woman who posted about him let him out of his kennel, he came barreling toward the couple — who couldn’t believe their eyes. 

“He was the heaviest dog I had ever seen in my life; he looked like one of those huge pigs you see at the farm,” said Fiore. “All I could say was, ‘Oh my God,’ over and over. We immediately noticed that he was a happy boy, with a loving personality, tail always wagging. We decided that we would take him. I knew that we could help him. We didn’t tell the kids and when my daughter walked in the house from school she said, ‘What is that?’” When they first adopted him, Shiloh weighed 146 pounds, which was almost twice as much as he was supposed to. He was so large that moving around was difficult for him. He had to take around 15 breaks every time he went for a walk, he barely fit into the back of the family’s minivan and couldn’t get up onto the couch without major assistance. 

He was so large that moving around was difficult for him

Of course, Shiloh still insisted that he was a lap dog, and so his family knew that they had to help him lose weight fast, so that he could cuddle with anyone he wanted without accidentally crushing them. “He went on ‘healthy weight’ diet food, eating two scoops a day,” Fiore said. “We supplemented his food with green beans and canned pumpkin (for dog weight loss). No treats, or leftovers! I also gave him supplements for his joints because being that heavy obviously can take a toll.” Shiloh also began exercising daily, going on three to five walks every single day. At first, the walks were incredibly difficult for him, but as the weeks wore on and the pounds kept falling off, the walks got easier and easier, and he began to enjoy them more and more. Watch the video, after just two months of living with his new family, Shiloh was down a whopping 20 pounds, but even then, he still had a ways to go. 

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