Orangutan Meets Burn Victim At Zoo – His Reaction To Seeing Her Has STUNNED The Internet!

His Reaction Has Stunned The Internet!

Primates of all kinds are some of our closest relatives. Although all life forms share the majority of their DNA, primates have much more in common with us than certain other animals. As a result, they have a higher ability to communicate with us and to empathize with what we’re feeling. Some of these moments show how much more closely connected we are to animals than we think. One adorable story out of Indiana shows just how understanding these animals can be.

Darci Miller suffered terrible burns on her body. Since then, she’s healed and had multiple surgeries, but there’s still some burn scarring. She said that being a burn survivor “has its ups and downs,” but a trip to the zoo left an amazing impression on herit reminded her how good it felt to be in her skin. When she approached the glass, Rocky the orangutan came up to her. He saw Miller’s burns and wanted to inspect her himself. With the help of her fiancé filming the interaction, Rocky points and signals to Miller to turn and reveal her arm and the burned areas, all while looking at her intently and considering the burns.

A meaningful moment together!

Fortunately for viewers, the entire exchange between Miller and Rocky was captured on videoThough Rocky is unable to do much to help Miller himself, he continues looking at her and tries to make any kind of contact he can. Needless to say, the two shared a meaningful moment together. In all, this story a moving example of how connected we are on Earth. Although they are not even the same species, Rocky’s curiosity about Miller made her feel safe, comforted and cared for. If there’s one thing that can be learned from this story, it may be that we could all stand to be a little more like Rocky the orangutan. Watch the video, it was a truly heartwarming moment!

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