Owner Teaches Puppy How To Go Down The Stairs Until Lesson Ends Hilariously

The lesson ends hilariously (Video)

When puppies are young, they’re very much like human babies. They may seem self-sufficient, but you have to do a lot for them. They also have a lot to learn. That’s part of what makes them so adorable. Sometimes, that means trouble for their owners. Oliver is a Beagle and perhaps one of the cutest puppies on the planet. As a little guy, he’s just as floppy and awkward as you’d expect. Oliver’s so young that he’s still learning the essentials of life.

There’s a lot he doesn’t know how to do quite yet. For example, it’s hard for him to get down the flight of stairs. For a puppy, that can be scary. For Oliver to go down the stairs, he needs a little encouragement. So, his dad cheers him on. While this puppy stands at the top of the stairs, his dad tries to coax him down. After some time, he’ll make his way down but just one step at a time. Watching Oliver try to go down the stairs is as cute as can be. Fortunately for all of us, his dad decided to record it. He carefully holds the camera still while focusing on Oliver as he makes his way down the stairs.

This cute little fellow peed

Oliver needs a lot of help to reach the bottom. But with a patient and loving dad cheering him on, he’s slowly getting it. You can see he’s a little bit shaky. But at least he’s trying. While Oliver’s dad is watching him come down the stairs, his encouraging words never stop. But when this adorable puppy gets to a landing step, he’s worn out. So, he stops for a break. You can see him sniffing around a bit before deciding to go potty. Excited to film Oliver, his dad didn’t notice Oliver was about to have an accident. Watch the video, the next thing he knows, this cute little fellow peed!

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