This Dog Hates Bath Time, Now Watch How He Refuses To Be Washed – Hilarious Reaction

Dog tries his best to avoid bath time (Video)

Dogs act like a big babies sometimes, just like Phil. A couple from the UK recently shared a funny video of their Malamute, Phil, hiding and whimpering because it was time for his bath. Apparently, Phil loves the water – he has no problem jumping in a lake or a sea. But for some reason, he hates baths! Let’s face it…most animals don’t like taking baths. Dogs will roll around in a muddy stream for hours. But when the time comes for them to get all that dirt off, they’re suddenly less keen to be in the water. Considering he spends a lot of time frolicking through muddy fields and swimming in dirty water, it’s comical how there’s a sudden aversion when it’s time to step in the tub.

When a pup is afraid to get into the bathtub, you might want to prepare for a struggle to get them clean. After playing outdoors and getting all sorts of grime on his fur, Phil also doesn’t mind when his mom hoses him down before letting him back inside the house. And since that isn’t enough to get rid of the smell, a bath is drawn for the 100 lb. dog. Despite Phil’s love for jumping in cold lakes and seas, his mom refuses to bathe him outside especially during winter. And instead of being happy about being bathed in a tub with warmer water, Phil responds by “hiding”. While viewers might feel bad for him, most people can’t deny how cute he is in the video, trying his best to avoid bath time.

He thinks is invisible

Because he’s such a big baby, he also believes that keeping his head down and trying to fit in the space between the tub and the wall will make him invisible to his mom and dad. He’s not making eye contact with his owners. Maybe if he can’t see them, they don’t see him. Nice try. Phil continues to avoid going in the tub by somehow staying low and making it even more challenging to move him. Even the couple’s baby, Mia, and their pet cat, Milo, are witnesses to Phil’s hilarious antics. And speaking of Mia and Milo, Phil tries to hide behind them, too! What makes the entire thing even funnier is how the baby and the cat just look on curiously as Phil does everything he can to avoid taking a bath. Watch the video, he’s even mastered pulling a long face and genuinely acting like he feels sorry for himself.

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