Police Officer Was Caught With His K-9 Partner On Camera – His Behavior is Unacceptable

Police officer was caught on video by a civilian (Video)

There are so many examples of dogs protecting us humans and even saving our lives. They are our loyal companions, and anyone who has and loves a dog knows this. Take, for example, police dogs: they are instrumental in using their sixth sense to detect dangerous substances and objects that keep us safe. They help catch criminals and even step in the line of fire when officers are attacked; so many law enforcers owe their lives to police dogs. So, when I saw this video I was so horrified and disgusted at this officer’s treatment of a police dog.

A resident filmed two police officers; one appears to be apprehending a suspect while the other officer stands in the background with a police dog. The Hammond Police Department officer, based in Indiana, then does something shocking to the dog. The video, shows the opprobrious officer repeatedly lifting the dog by his neck and striking him with what appears to be a chain leash before carelessly yanking him out towards traffic. After the video went viral and was brought to the attention of the department, the officer was placed on administrative leave while a review was carried out.

Police officer caught abusing dog

This is what Mayor Thomas McDermott had to say about the incident: “Anybody who loves dogs as much as I do is always saddened and shocked anytime you hear of a dog’s abuse. When you find out it happened with an employee of yours, it makes it that much more shocking and disturbing. The officer in question is being placed on Administrative Leave immediately, pending a further investigation.  He will have his canine removed from his control during this leave while the PD further investigates this matter.” Watch the video, since posting online it has gone viral gaining almost 1.5 million views.

This is really not okay! A policeman should not act like this against a dog that actually works alongside them. 

The video below contains strong language and shows the officer’s abuse.

Source: www.ayoye.com

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