Police Stop To Question Teen On Roadside Then Realize He’s Saving A Life

Police footage captured the entire incident (Video)

A person’s true character is revealed when he does the right thing when no one’s watching — or thinks no one’s watching, which was the case in this incredibly heartwarming incident. Police officers Jeremy Halek and Tony Weeks were patrolling in a park, at Minnesota, when they spotted a car pulled over to the side of the road, and the driver standing over the curb, making little pumping movements with his arm. Body cam footage captured the entire incident, which starts with the patrol car pulling alongside the lone figure.

Not long before they arrived on scene, 19-year-old Chris Felix had been driving along the road when a squirrel darted in front of him. Chris clipped it, and this fine young man has such a huge heart for all creatures great and small that he simply couldn’t continue on his way without at least trying to help! So he pulled over and started performing chest compressions with his fingers, part of the CPR course he’d taken in high school but never thought he’d actually have to use. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a little life or a big life, a life is a life,” he later said. But the squirrel remained unresponsive, and it appeared his efforts were in vain.

A truly good heart

Then, suddenly, it scrambled back to its feet and, to the delight of Chris and both of the officers, darted through the grass toward a nearby yard! Chris’s smile says it all! Hopefully, this near-death experience won’t be wasted on the squirrel and he’ll looks both ways before crossing the street from here on out. As for Chris, this surely isn’t the first life he’ll save since he plans on a career in medicine, and it looks like he’s off to a great start. Watch this heartwarming incident in the video and see what it means to have a truly good heart.

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