Postman Caught on Camera Pepper Spraying Dog’s Face For Months

Postman gives a quick spray through the fence (Video)

Alfonso Galindo, a father of two young children and a 7-year old Poodle-mix named Pupa, began noticing strange stains appearing on the patio of his southern California home. After several months of the unidentified staining, Galindo installed surveillance cameras outside his home. So, when the strange stains appeared again last week, he turned to the video footage to finally solve the mystery. What he saw on the video was both shocking and heartbreaking. Cameras captured a USPS Postman walking toward Galindo’s mailbox, which sits outside of the family’s metal gate. Behind the fence, 7-year old Poodle-mix, Pupa, posed no threat to the mail carrier.

Still, as he approached the home, a can of pepper spray can be seen hanging from the Postman’s wrist. He gives a quick spray through the fence, toward Pupa, before depositing the mail and carrying on as usual. Further video footage shows Pupa writhing, rubbing her eyes and face on the ground in apparent pain and discomfort. Galindo reviewed saved video footage – about a month’s worth – and counted 9 other instances where Pupa was sprayed by the postman in only the past few weeks. Thinking back over several months, Galindo recalls several instances where Pupa turned up with red eyes, but that they always returned to normal shortly after.

What he’s done is criminal

Now, Galindo wonders if Pupa wasn’t the only family member affected by the pepper spray. Over the last 6 months, both of Galindo’s children – 3-year old Alfonso Jr. and 1-year old Regina, have suffered with respiratory problems“Countless trips to the ER and Urgent Care, and countless medications,” said Galindo. He has since filed a police report as well as made a complaint to the US Postal Service. “I believe what he’s done to our family is criminal,” said Galindo. He says Pupa is a friendly family dog. The small Poodle-mix is hardly a threat, especially behind a fence. Watch the video because I’m wonder if other dogs along the same mail route have been routinely pepper-sprayed, too.

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