Pregnant Stray Dog Completely Melts When Rescuer Puts Her In The Car – Heartwarming Rescue

Heartwarming rescue (Video)

A few days ago, Jacks Anderson and her wife stopped for lunch at a fried chicken stand when she noticed they had an audience. A large black dog who has been named Poppy lay on the sidewalk under the barstools at the counter, watching them eat. There is nothing worse than the thought of a stray animal in need of food and health care. It’s even worse when that animal is pregnant.“She never took her eyes off of us, but she didn’t come close or beg for food,” said Anderson. “The owners of the stand came out and shooed her away down the sidewalk. It was obvious she was scared, and she disappeared.

After lunch, the couple spotted the dog again on their drive home. This time, they noticed the pittie’s large, pregnant belly — and knew they had to try and help her but it was proving to be a harder task than they thought. “My wife took the leftovers, and I walked toward her to put them down for her,” Anderson said. “She was very skittish, but we could see some of the scars that she has, so I understood why she didn’t want to risk it.” Anderson and her wife worked to earn the nervous dog’s trust and eventually convinced her to take food out of their hands. That’s when they lifted the heavy dog and placed her in the car. Poppy was grateful to finally be somewhere safe and comfortable. “I started to record the video of my wife comforting her, and I realized that Poppy had tears coming from her eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in a dog, and it definitely made an impact.”

She needed a secure spot to give birth

the couple drove the mother dog to their local vet’s office, where she was treated for fleas and worms. Luckily, Poppy was relatively healthy and was released back into Anderson’s care. “Poppy spent her first couple of days with us just one on one,” Anderson said. “She slept nearly all the time and acclimated to the couch pretty quickly. In the last day or two, she’s become far more active, showing interest in the other dogs and following me around instead of sleeping.” Poppy is a sponge for cuddles — soaking up every bit of love she can get from her humans. Poppy’s puppies will stay with Anderson and her wife until they are old enough to find loving homes of their own. But Poppy will never have to worry about going back to the streets again. Watch the video, it’s truly a wonderful thing to watch, we are very grateful for this wonderful couple who helped Poppy and her puppies in having a peaceful life.

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