Priceless Donkey’s Reaction When He Realizes His Owner Comes Home After a Week Away

Priceless donkey’s reaction (Video)

For a lot of people, dogs are the ultimate pet. Sure, other animals are great, but there’s nothing quite like man’s best friend—an animal who loves you unconditionally! For others, though, having a donkey is really no different than having a loving dog. You miss them when you’re away, and there’s no doubt that they feel the same. They might be a little bigger and harder to cuddle, but donkeys can be just as loyal as any canine companion

Sophie Hodgson gets to come home a happy four-legged friend every time she leaves the house — but it’s no dog. Dominic the donkey was rescued as a baby by the family and now lives a life of love and attention on their farm. And they’ve become the best of friends! Recently, Sophie had to travel for work for an entire week. But that would only make the next time she saw her pet donkey that much better! Upon her return home, there’s only one thing she wants to do — and that’s reunite with her beautiful, beloved donkey. When Sophie had to leave to her horse for one week, she knew the distance would be hard on her adoring pet. But she had no idea just how much she’d really be missed until she came back to this

A very special bond

And upon returning home, she walked out into the yard and called out for Dominic. And the donkey came running for quite the reunion. Cue up the excited donkey sounds! “Haven’t seen my boy in about a week, you could say he was excited,” she said. Clearly, these two share a very special bond. The video has been met with some pretty “jealous” donkey owners who would love nothing more than for their own donkeys to greet them like this. Watch the video, you can almost feel the overwhelming emotion from this sweet animal. Just wait until you see them together.

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