Rescue Team Saves Three Chihuahuas Dumped On The Street – Heartwarming Rescue

Rescue of three apprehensive and abandoned dogs (Video)

Hope For Paws never fails to amaze us with their rescue stories. Many stray and abandoned animals ended up getting a forever home because of the kind-hearted people from this animal rescue organization. They was called after someone spotted three Chihuahuas hanging out in a fast food parking lot in Los Angeles, California. The concerned lady who was feeding the Chihuahuas knew they can no longer survive on the streets so she thought calling the team was the best thing to do, and she did the right thing. The poor animals had been dumped by their owner, and to make matters worse, someone shot at them with B.B. guns. Two of them were hit, causing intense pain for their tiny bodies.

When Eldad Hagar, founder of Hope for Paws, approached them, he held out food. The male was the first to approach, followed by the older female, and finally the youngest. They were all apprehensive, but seemed to know that they were in safe hands. The rescuer used a trap to try and capture all three together, but wrangling them was difficult. Despite offers of food, they didn’t want to go inside. He settled for two of the Chihuahuas and calmly trapped the third in a snare. The pooch had an understandable moment of panic when he felt the snare tightening, but thanks to Hagar’s gentle words and petting, he relaxed quickly. He immediately brought the trio to the clinic, where he named them Penny, Brooklyn and Marty. They got warm bubble baths and affection for the first time in a long time.

An understandable moment of panic

The three beauties, named Penny, Brooklyn, and Marty were all cleaned up, but unfortunately, just four days after they were taken off the streets, Penny died as a result of heart failure. But rescuers take comfort in the fact that she was happy and loved in the last moments of her life. Brooklyn and Marty went to their foster home at Wags and Walks before the pair was eventually adopted together. Watch the video, it’s a heartwarming rescue and for sure they will never have to experience the fear and uncertainty that they knew in the streets.

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