Shy To Exuberant – This Dog Flips Out After Realizing He’s Been Adopted

Adopted dog flips out

Living in a shelter can have a massive negative impact on the life of any animal and as you can expect it’s important for all shelter employees to find each animal a home as fast as possible. Up until recently, a sweet but shy dog named Benny had no idea what the future had in store for him, or how close he came to seeing his cut short.

As a resident of the Carson Animal Care Center, a high-kill shelter in Gardena, California, all he could do was sit and wait for someone to come along and save him, which he did week after week with no success. But then that all changed. And that’s when the miracle happened, Benny was finally adopted by a loving family. His reaction upon realizing that happy fact? Priceless. At first, we see Benny alone in his cage, completely torn between the fear of escape and joy to find a new family. First timid, shy and not understanding what is going on, Benny soon found the joy of living when he understands that it is about to be taken to a new family.

Pure happiness!

Benny’s adoption not only felt like an amazing thing for everyone at the shelter, but it clearly shows that the animals love the sense of freedom and having a new owner as well. Benny is that pure happiness you only get at a major moment in life and it’s beautiful. A beautiful video that will melt the hearts of animal lovers! Here’s hoping Benny gets all the beef jerky and tennis balls with his new family! Watch the video, this march to freedom will certainly make you smile!

For a dog, there’s got to be no sweeter feeling.  Going from feeling unloved and unwanted, to finally having a forever family that promises to love you and keep you safe until the end of your days is every shelter dog’s dream.  Well, for Benny, that dream finally came true, and his reaction is just priceless!

While Benny’s story has a positive ending, sadly, there are millions of shelter dogs like him desperately awaiting their own.


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