Rescuer Is Brought To Tears When A Homeless Poodle Does The Sweetest Thing!

Poodle Does The Sweetest Thing! (Video)

Annie Hart is a dog rescuer that has rescued lots of dogs over the years.  As she says, some of these dogs are at “the worst moment of their lives,” and after some much needed human contact, good food and lots and lots of love, she sees them turn full circle into great pets. One would figure with as much experience as she’s had doing this, she’s seen and been through it all.  However, there was no way she’d be prepared for her meeting with Layla.

Layla was a homeless poodle that had been struck by a car while living on the streets in Los Angeles.  When her plight was made known to Annie, the dog rescuer knew what she had to do.  Layla was rescued, but it was Layla that would teach Annie what thankfulness is really all about. “My heart sank as we pulled up and saw Layla sitting there alone on the side of the road,” Hart said. “Hundreds of people had walked by her before we arrived and they did nothing to help her. They chose to not stop and see Layla’s despair and abandonment, and to not take action.” The dog was “timid, hurt and worryingly skinny,” she said. When Hart went towards Layla, the dog practically leapt into her arms, and allowed Annie to embrace her, and bring her to safety.  It was what Layla did next, that brought Annie to tears. “The thing is, when I rescue a dog … they are scared, they are hurt, and they have no idea what the world is going to throw at them next. 

It was what Layla did next, that brought Annie to tears.

Then I come along and say, ‘Hey, you need to trust I am going to do right by you.’ That is a tough experience for a dog,” Hart said. With Layla it was totally different. When asked, Annie said the moment “completely overwhelmed” her.“She made me think of how much she needed hope in her life, and I felt so blessed that I was able to be the one to give that to her. The way Layla embraced being rescued, the way she opened her heart to a second chance, that is what gives me hope,” she said. “If a dog like Layla can be that forgiving of people, we can all do that. We can all move on and forgive and love and open up our hearts to possibilities,” said Annie. Watch the video, what Layla did next brought Annie to tears!

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