Rescuers Were in Disbelief When They Opened Sealed Boxes With 11 Animals Inside

The animals were scared and confused (Video)

Abandoning an animal will always make you a bad person no matter how nice you are towards people, because one’s personality is truly revealed by the amount of respect they pay to the dependent and the less fortunate. The good thing is that there are people out there who would always choose to help an animal in need. These people, among which a lady named Wendy from Stratford, London, make us realize how every life, no matter how big or small, is worth saving. 

As she was on her way home from work, she spotted several carboard boxes in an alley. She probably wouldn’t even notice them if they weren’t sealed shut with too much tape. She said to herself how she should probably ignore those packages and continue walking, but that’s when she heard sounds coming from those boxes. She got closer and now she was certain how the boxes that were left there for the trash collectors to pick up were full of cats. She decided to alert an animal rescue service. The staff from Celia Hammond Animal Trust came to the rescue in a matter of minutes but they was unsure how the cats would react to being released near the road, so they made air holes in the boxes and drove them back to a nearby clinic.

They open the boxes one by one

They posted a video of the actual opening of the boxes one by one. They did it with precision, making sure no animals was hurt. Surprisingly, there were 11 cats there, 9 babies and 2 adults. All of them were scared and confused but in a good physical shape. Except for the fleas, they were all feeling just fine. None of them was feral and one even had a collar on its neck. “We can only assume the intention was for them to die as surely everybody knows animals need to be able to breathe to survive. The boxes cannot have been there very long as without oxygen our vets estimate they probably wouldn’t have lived more than an hour or two. the group wrote on social media. Watch the video, thankfully people who are the voice of the voiceless restore our faith in humanity over and over again.

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