Returning Soldier Surprises Her Two Dogs After 6 Months Apart – Heartwarming Moment

Heartwarming moment (Video)

This adorable video is guaranteed to make you smile. Here we see not one but two giant Great Danes lounging on the couch at Diggity Dog Daycare in La Crosse, WI. Calla and Wrigley spent many of their days there, ever since their mom left for Afghanistan where she was stationed. The pups waited for six months for Mom to return home, and they’re finally about to get their wish. This soldier could hardly wait to surprise her dogs.

As her two Great Danes sat quietly on the couch they had no clue their fearless owner was about to enter the room. It had been so long since they had all been together but that never kept them from missing each other dearly. Calla and Wrigley had no idea she was about to walk into the daycare as cameras prepared to record the big reveal. They were about to get the most exciting surprise, and as their owner slowly opened the door, they sensed her right away. After their mom enters the room, it takes about 2 seconds before the pups recognize her, but as soon as they clue in, they make a bolt for it. What follows is a sandwich of great dane-love-and-kisses with a mommy stuck in the middle.

They were about to get the most exciting surprise

Her lovely scent must have given her away before they even saw her face, because at the very same time, they perked up from their lazy day on the couch and jumped off into a sprint, racing to meet her once again. The long days over seas finally passed and when she saw her Calla and Wrigley coming towards her, deep emotions welled up. It was a game who could get a hug first. Bouncing around the room, these dogs couldn’t stop to catch their breath. There is no doubt that these dogs love their owner. Seeing them reunited had the whole family rejoice with the happiest hearts. Watch the video, there’s nothing better than watching the pure joy coming from these two dogs as they see their owner! 

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