Sad Puppy Found Next To His Dead Mom – Faced Shelter Wall For Days After His Rescue

His rescue and incredible transformation (Video)

When Marley was first spotted, he was sitting next to the corpse of his dead mother, who had gotten hit by a car in Greece. He refused to leave her side. It’s unknown whether Marley’s mom was a feral dog that had always roamed the area, or if she belonged to someone at one point and was dumped on the streets. Either way, Marley was born on the streets and never had any social interaction with humans. He was also too young to fend for himself, which is why he waited by his deceased mother’s side for days.

Marley was scared and didn’t trust anyone, but the Diasozo Animal Rescue Team was determined to change that. The poor pup spent the first few days at the shelter just staring at the wall. Rescuers tried to interact with him, but he would try to bite at them. He slowly started to become more social over time and was eventually accepting of a human touch. He ate out of people’s hands and would finally let people pet him.

The incredible transformation of Marley

From there, Marley went on to a foster dad who trained him and taught him everything he needed to know. Marley really warmed up to people and other animals. A month later, he had already improved so much and was permanently adopted into a loving forever home! He settled in well and even has new doggy siblings. How wonderful. Watch the video, you can see his rescue and incredible transformation.

He is spoiled rotten, finally has a soft bed to sleep in, and will feel unconditional love for the rest of his life!


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