Missing Dog Doesn’t Recognize Family – Watch When Owner Extends Her Hand!

Her reaction when she reaches out her hand! (Video)

For many of us our pets are like our children, so the thought of one going missing is just heartbreaking. This is exactly how one family felt when their dog Maggie disappeared. The adorable little pooch was nowhere to be seen, despite having been microchipped. She was gone for 19 whole months before they finally received a call from a shelter saying that someone had found her, and turned her over to them. With all the time that had gone by, it was a miracle to say the least.

As hard as it was for the family having Maggie missing for all that time – it’s even harder to think of what the dog herself had gone through. All she knew was that her loved ones were gone, and her home was no longer the home she knew. Fortunately, when Maggie was brought to Saginaw County Animal Care and Control they were able to find her real family through the microchip. A mom and her daughters headed down to the facility excited to be reunited with their long-lost pet. However, because of everything Maggie experienced – she was frightened. They figured she had to be traumatized. Those fears were sadly confirmed when they arrived at the shelter and staff members led her out into the waiting room. She was skittish and scared, spending most of the first minute hiding behind her rescuer.

Who were these strange people calling to her?

An employee brought her into the room with the family, but Maggie didn’t run over to them like you would hope she would. She sheepishly hid behind the woman as they patiently tried to encourage her to come out. It seemed that after 19 months the dog didn’t recognize them anymore. But then slowly they were able to get Maggie closer to the mom, who placed out her hand so she could take in her scent. That’s when something amazing happened! Watch the video to see the tear-jerking end to this story – it’s sure to make you want to give your fur babies an extra hug.

“I was in disbelief it was really her but she recognized us after she got close to us and smelled us … Now it’s like she never left. It’s so good to have her home and see how happy she makes my six children.” Jillian said.

The family said thank you to the strangers who bribed Maggie with cheeseburgers, got her in the car and eventually got her home. They said the microchip was a big reason they were able to get Maggie back and they encourage other families to get their furry friend micro-chipped as well.

Source: fr.laowl.com

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