Scared In The Corner, Mama Dog Refuses To Trust Until She’s Reunited With Puppies Again

Her reaction is priceless!

Dogs who have recently been dropped off at shelters very rarely know what to expect and just like any living creature that is in a tense and unpredictable situation, they become frightened. It is an understandable reaction to an adverse situation and the mother dog in this clip was experiencing this scenario firsthand. Can you imagine what it must be like to be separated from your baby after you gave birth to them? That’s exactly what happened to this poor mama dog. She was so scared, she won’t move; she just cowered at the back corner of the room, looking so lost and terrified.

This dog was surrendered by her owner at the Marin Humane Society in California. The shelter staff was very concerned. They examined her, and they discovered that she just recently gave birth. Seeing this mother get separated from her babies before they had even been given a chance to bond definitely affected their spirit and they decided to help Mama the only way that they knew how. So they reached out to the person who surrendered the dog to also surrender the puppies. They got her former owner on the phone and discussed the particulars of the situation. Somehow, someway, they convinced the dog’s former owner to surrender her pups, as well.

A touching moment!

OMG! My babies! My babies! All my babies are here! If this ecstatic mama dog could speak, those would probably be the words she’d have said when she saw her puppies after an anxiety-filled separation. Seeing the moment where Mama’s facial expression changes and her apprehension melts away is truly priceless and you just might catch yourself wiping away a tear or two (or three). She’s so happy to have her pups back! The touching video captures the moment when the scared and reserved mother was reunited with her puppies, and her pure joy is very apparent!

It’s a testament to the awesome power of love.

Since Mom was named Cora, they decided to name the puppies after Downton Abbey characters! Her three boys are Carson, Moseley and Branson and her girl is Edith. 

Source: Marin Humane Society

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