See What It Looks Like to Be Buried in Snow and Then Found by a Rescue Dog!

This man films a rescue dog saving him (Video)

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went” – is how the famed American actor Will Rogers once described his connection to these tender, selfless animals. And it’s not difficult to relate to that. Yet dogs are not only your best companions and loyal friends, but also, they’re the most vigilant protectors that will do all they can to keep you safe and sound, not worrying about going to Heaven. There’s nothing like seeing a friendly face during your moment of need, and Flo, the Border collie, has one of the friendliest faces!

Mountain Rescue Search Dogs England, a charity dedicated to training rescue dogs to assist those in need in the wild, has recently uploaded a video in which they gave people a firsthand look at what it’s like to be saved by a pup. Flo, the black-and-white pooch, is trained to locate lost hikers who gets trapped during avalanches or suffer other mountain-related accident. And indeed, not only is it life-saving but heart-warming as well. Getting lost in remote wilderness might be dangerous and frightening, but this volunteer-based organization helps those in need.

It is comforting to know this heroic canine is out there

During such a training drill, a volunteer, armed with a camera, buried himself in snow. In the video the rescue border collie can be heard barking and swiftly using her paws to dig away the pile of snow. At around 10 seconds her nose peeks through an opening, and she continues her mission to widen the gap. Doing her best, the devoted rescue dog demolished the wall of snow with her body. To make it sure that when a real situation arises she will be able to provide help as soon as possible. Watch the video, at around 30 seconds Flo crawls through the opening she dug and rushes to the human’s side to celebrate the successful rescue. Good Dog!

It’s not every day you get to see a rescue firsthand without having to experience any danger, so it’s very cool that England’s Mountain Rescue Search Dogs gave people the opportunity to see what these brave dogs do.


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