She Hears Sounds In Her Ceiling – When She Opens It Up, She Makes An Incredible Discovery!

She Makes An Incredible Discovery! (Video)

Two months ago, Lisa Ohrmundt heard some buzzing around the side of her house. Resident from Georgia, she didn’t think much of it, but she called  a beekeeper — just in case. He came over one afternoon with a Bee Box, hoping to lure some of the honey bees inside. Bees are an integral part of the environment and ecosystem as a whole, but I’m pretty sure not many of us would like to find a beehive in our homes — especially not one that has been there for years! There were 120,000 bees nesting in a beehive above her living room.

“They had a condo in our ceiling — why would they go in that little box?” Ohrmundt thought after she found out the news. Ohrmundt never heard a single buzz come from her ceiling, so she wasn’t prepared for the 6-foot-long honeycomb Bobby Chaisson pulled from her ceiling. “It looked like a scene from ‘Dexter,” said Ohrmundt. “There was plastic everywhere, everything was taped off. I stuck my head under the plastic as the beekeeper got to work.” The beekeeper used a heat sensor to spot the hive, which was high up in Ohrmundt’s ceiling. Once he located the hive, he climbed up a ladder and cut into the ceiling, slowly pulling back the sheetrock.

A surprising discovery!

Bees instantly started “falling out” of the ceiling, and globs of thick, sweet honey followed, Ohrmundt said. Over the course of six hours, the beekeeper was stung about 10 to 15 times as he used a vacuum to suck them off the honeycomb and into large canisters. He plans to safely relocate them. “My roommate is furious for not getting any of the honey,” Ohrmundt joked. “But the beekeeper said he would bring me some.” With all the commotion, Ohrmundt wasn’t even thinking about the honey dripping from the walls. Chaisson told her there was about 60 pounds of it — the honeycomb weighed about 120 pounds. Watch the video, she filmed all the scene and it’s quite amazing!!!

“This guy said this hive has probably been in there at least 2 years,” said Ohrmundt, adding that she’s lived in the home for about 9 years.

Ohrmundt owns a landscaping business and she encounters bees frequently — but never in her life had she encountered as many bees as she did that day. “I was never scared of them before, but when all those bees started flying, I was like, ‘I’m out of here,'” she said.


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