She Rescues Chimp From Certain Death – Years Later He’ll Thanks Her. Your Heart Will Melt!

A touching good-bye! (Video)

Her name is Wounda, but her name says it all. In the Congo it means ‘close to dying’ – and that is exactly how she was found when she was taken in by the Jane Goodall Institute’s Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center in the Republic of Congo. And when she was finally released after being nursed back to health, she repaid the kindness to the well-known animal activist as realised she was free again.

In the time since Wounda was found, it has taken years of care and dedication to nurse her back to health, until finally she was strong enough to be released into the outdoors once again. Suffering from a number of illnesses and losing weight fast, it was a race against time to help save her life. Each morning, Wounda received a liter of milk. The caregivers at the center saw that she was recovering and making good progress. Eventually, the day came when it was time for her to live her life free from human interference.

A moving moment of tenderness!

The dense forest of Tchindzoulou Island is now home to 15 chimpanzees transferred from the original Tchimpounga sanctuary site over the last eighteen months. As the door to Wounda’s box is opened, she scampers around but stays close to her human caregivers. She stands on top of her box and sits down to take in her new surroundings. Then, without thinking, she turns and does something wonderful! It’s a moving moment of tenderness between human and chimpanzee. No words are spoken but it seems clear what both are feeling. The most amazing happens! Watch the video, it’s a tear-jerking reunion that left most people in tears and touched my heart too!

Slowly and cautiously, Wounda wonders into the new undergrowth that lays before her. Dr. Goodall follows her a little way as she watched Wounda munch on the fresh green grass. The delight on her face is clear to see.

Then, without so much of a look back, Wounda heads off into her new life on Tchindzoulou Island.


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