She Saw A Dog Crying In Shelter – He Flips Out After Realizing He’s Been Adopted

This dog touched my heart (Video)

Sarah Sleime regularly volunteers with the Greater Charlotte SPCA, and she was visiting a shelter in North Carolina that Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Care & Control runs when she came across this dog. She explained her reaction to this sweet, sad pit bull: “I was waiting for them to health check a couple of the dogs we were considering pulling, and I was walking up and down the kennels, and I just saw this pit bull sitting there, and she was very humanlike – slumped over and very solemn.” Sleime felt the need to get closer and realized that this pit bull recently had puppies. The pit bull was seven years old, and her puppies weren’t with her at the moment.

According to Sleime, as she talked, the pooch’s eyes watered and it looked like they filled with tears. Although experts still aren’t sure whether dogs cry emotional tears like humans, Sleime could tell without a doubt that this pit bull was upset. She had been recently surrendered and was also extremely overweight. The workers at the shelter believe she was confined and used as a breeding machine. She’s obviously had many, many litters. Because this pit bull was a big dog, Sleime knew that the Greater Charlotte SPCA wouldn’t be able to help her. Instead, Sleime grabbed her phone and made a video. It clearly shows the sadness of the dog, who was called Cinnamon at the time. The video was much more effective than Sleime could have ever imagined. “Little did I know, it would be viewed like 700,000 times on the first day.” Out of all those interested, Meghan Shelton, a friend of Sleime, ended up adopting the pooch. Shelton said: “I have a special place in my heart for pit bulls. I think they’re a very misunderstood dog and misunderstood breed. And when I saw her in that video, literally crying in a cage, I cried. My kids cried. I showed my husband, and he said we would go look at her tomorrow.”

She was super sweet

The following day, Shelton and her family weren’t the only ones lined up to meet Cinnamon, but they were first. She was super sweet. They had brought her into a room to meet with us, and we just let her relax. My kids were on the floor with her, and she sat on their laps and knocked them over with kisses.” At that point, Shelton knew Cinnamon had a new home. They filled out all the paperwork, renaming the pit bull Rosie. After the pooch was spayed, she went home the following day. Watch the video, her intense and happy reaction made me burst into tears!

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